Feb 14, 2018

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由紀ホールディングス株式会社と株式会社ローランド・ベルガー 世界No.1ものづくり企業群の創造に向けた業務提携

由紀ホールディングス株式会社(東京都中央区:代表取締役社長 大坪正人、以下由紀HD)は、欧州系最大の戦略コンサルティングファームの日本法人である株式会社ローランド・ベルガー(東京都港区:代表取締役社長 長島 聡、以下ローランド・ベルガ―)と業務提携することに合意いたしました。





「和ノベーション」は、ローランド・ベルガー社が提唱する日本型イノベーション。日本の「和」、対話の「話」、仲間の「輪」の意味を含む。 企業や個人が持つさまざまなノウハウ、技術、知恵などの「暗黙知」をモジュール=「ありもの」として見える化する。対話を通じて、「ありもの」を部門、企業、業界を超えた仲間の輪へと広げる。このような「ありもの」の徹底的な活用により、異次元のスピードで新しい価値創出を推進するという考え方。今回の提携を含め、 10社と協業。


ローランド・ベルガーは、1967年にドイツ・ミュンヘンで創設された欧州系最大の経営コンサルティング会社。現在世界で34カ国50オフィスに約 2,400名のプロフェッショナルスタッフを擁する。
日本では1991年に設立。近年では、日本型イノベーションである「和ノベーション」を提唱し、日本企業の革新を進める。 AI、デジタルの力を武器に人を進化させ、あらゆる現場での新たな付加価値の創出を目指す。




Enter into a Business Alliance to Create the World’s Finest Group of Manufacturing Companies

YUKI Holdings Inc. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Masato Otsubo, hereafter “YUKI HD”) agreed to establish a business alliance with Roland Berger Ltd. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Satoshi Nagashima, hereafter “Roland Berger”), a Japanese subsidiary of Europe’s largest strategic consulting firm.

Roland Berger has enhanced creativity for many clients, including manufacturing industries, with a long-term growth strategy that respects fundamental company culture, using a novel method of Japanese-style innovation of “Wanovation*”.

YUKI HD has made strategic innovation investments by grouping SME’s with key manufacturing technologies with a goal to develop each company to be highly competitive in the global market.

The alliance will exchange human resources from leading consulting sites of Roland Berger and manufacturing sites of YUKI HD with a goal to develop human resources who have perspectives from both corporate management and manufacturing.

The CEO’s of both companies will serve respectively in an advisory capacity at each other’s company. This will integrate the strategic point of view of Roland Berger and the manufacturing point of view of the YUKI HD for creation of many new and innovative “Wanovations.”

About “Wanovation”

“Wanovation” is a Japanese style innovation proposed by Roland Berger. “Wa” is the Japanese phonetic for three kanji, “和“ for Japanese, “話” for dialogue, and “輪” for circle of peers. Implicit knowledge that companies and employees have as individual wisdom and knowledge can be created into visible modules of explicit knowledge. These modules of knowledge can then be shared through dialogue beyond divisions, companies, and industries to a broader circle of peers. Utilizing this innovative method will propel creation of new values at an unprecedented speed. Roland Berger has collaborated with 10 companies including this business alliance using this method.

Roland Berger Ltd.

Roland Berger is Europe’s largest management consulting firm, established in Munich, Germany in 1967. Staffed by 2,400 professionals at 50 offices in 34 countries in the world. Japanese subsidiary established in 1991. In recent years, Roland Berger has proposed a Japanese style innovation or “Wanovation”, and engaged in innovation of Japanese firms. The goal is to develop human resources that can utilize the full potential of digital technology and artificial intelligence for generating new added values to various enterprises.


YUKI Holdings Inc.

With a mission, “Making the world happy through the power of manufacturing.”, YUKI HD was founded by Masato Otsubo, CEO of YUKI Precision Co., Ltd in October 2017. This strategic innovation investment in SME’s with key technologies has a goal to develop each company to be highly competitive in the global market. As of February 2018, YUKI HD consists of 11 group companies with gross sales of 6.6 billion yen and 540 employees in total.